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MyoLynx Health and Fitness

Paw Spreaders and MyoBall

Paw Spreaders and MyoBall

Regular price $28.99 CAD
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Combine Paw Spreaders and Myoball to maximize your foot rehabilitation! These tools are amazing on their own but when used together, they can trigger profound and lasting changes in foot mobility, pain reduction and overall strength and stability.

How to use Paw Spreaders and MyoBall combo:

  • Use the MyoBall to roll out the bottom of your feet while using the paw spreaders to gently stretch the deep muscles within the feet.

Benefits of using the Paw Spreaders and MyoBall combo:

  • Helps to relieve pain and soreness
  • Improves blood and lymphatic flow from relaxed muscles
  • Can improve symptoms of plantar fasciitis, bunions, corns, hammertoes, blisters or overlapping toes
  • Improves proprioception (i.e., your body’s ability to communicate from feet to brain)
  • Helps correct muscle imbalances in the feet, which could help knee, hip and back issues
  • When toes are splayed, feet have a larger surface area, which enables them to have a much more stable connection with the ground

Recommended use for the Paw Spreaders:

  • Week 1-2:
    • 20 minutes/day when relaxing or doing low-moderate activity
  • Week 3-4:
    • Increase to 1hr, adding 20 minutes every day
  • Week 5-6:
    • Wear in shoes that allow for comfort (barefoot shoes) during the day, during low-moderate-high activity, OR overnight
  • Always make sure to avoid pain, numbness and tingling
  • Add foot and ankle exercises as you progress to maximize your foot health!
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